Mosaic Technologies Honored as Local Hero

2025-03-27T11:32:21-05:00March 27th, 2025|Categories: American Red Cross, Community, Featured, HomeTech by Mosaic, News, Public Relations|

Eau Claire, Wis. March 13th, 2025—The American Red Cross Northwest Wisconsin Chapter hosted its annual Heroes Breakfast at the Florian Gardens Conference Center in Eau Claire, honoring twelve individuals and businesses who have showed courage, commitment, and community-focus. Among the seven categories, Mosaic Technologies was recognized as the Community

HomeTech by Mosaic Announced as Best of the Chippewa Valley

2024-07-16T12:08:03-05:00February 9th, 2024|Categories: Community, Featured, HomeTech by Mosaic, News, Public Relations|Tags: , |

Eau Claire, WI- February 9th, 2024- HomeTech by Mosaic was announced by Eau Claire’s VolumeOne Magazine readers as the Best of the Chippewa Valley Audio/Video Installation Company. For twenty years, VolumeOne has been a trusted media company developing publications and digital news articles for thousands of locals and tourists

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