
HomeTech by Mosaic Honors Community Heroes

By Published On: March 21st, 20241.6 min read

Eau Claire, WI

The American Red Cross hosted the 20th Annual Northwest Wisconsin Heroes Breakfast on Thursday, March 14, 2024 at the Florian Gardens. On behalf of HomeTech by Mosaic, Chief Human Resources Officer and American Red Cross NW WI chapter board member, Tammy Emerson presented the Good Samaritan Hero Award to five individuals who sprang into life-saving action when one of their Jiu-Jitsu classmates collapsed unconscious. Teammates called 911 and assisted their classmate, Anthony McIntosh who is CPR certified. He performed life-saving measures on classmate Jim Wallin until the paramedics arrived and took over. Jim survived the terrifying incident and has returned to normal activity, including active participation in Jiu-Jitsu training.

The Jiu Jitsu martial arts team was honored with separate Good Samaritan Hero awards presented to Erik Allen, Haydn Owens, Anthony McIntosh, Jesse Reine, and Jesse Rennicke. Owner of the Rice Lake martial arts studio, Jesse Reine has also become CPR certified since the incident and hosts CPR classes at his studio. The facility has acquired an automated external defibrillator (AED) for emergency use.

Anthony McIntosh became CPR certified for his daughter and peace of mind should anything ever happen. He never thought he would have to use his skillset and knowledge on a friend. The team was also nationally recognized for their heroic actions with the Red Cross Lifesaving Award.

HomeTech by Mosaic is a proud sponsor of this year’s hero awards. Partner company, Mosaic Technologies is a strong advocate for emergency management and the American Red Cross organization. “It was inspiring to hear about the local heroes’ story and how any day could be the day CPR would be needed to save someone’s life,” stated Emerson. “It was an honor to present each of them an award for their heroism.” For more information about company news, visit www.ExperienceMosaic.com/news and read about company impact, tech industry updates, and product information.

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