Headquartered in Cameron, WI—
Founded on cooperative principles and standards, Mosaic Technologies values its communities and supports economic growth and development and recently gave donations for park projects in two of the rural communities it serves.

On April 16th Mosaic Technologies responded to a donation request by the Dallas Civic Club to revitalize the Dallas Park located along the Dallas Flowage. Karla Knutson, President of the Dallas Civic Club, Dallas residents, and Mosaic Technologies employees Emma Knutson and Valerie Fagerlin along with De Anna Westphal, Mosaic Technologies Public Relations Manager gathered to present a check to the Dallas Civic Club for $5,000 to support playground updates with new park equipment.

The Sand Creek Park and Recreation Committee was presented with a check by the Mosaic Technologies Marketing and Public Relations Teams on May 2nd in the amount of $5,000 to support Memorial Park revitalization efforts. “This is an opportunity to support the communities we serve and provide financial backing to revitalize these public areas. These communities have made a wonderful grassroots effort toward making a big impact for the generations,” explained De Anna Westphal, Mosaic Technologies’ Public Relations Manager.
For more information about Mosaic Technologies and other news stories, visit the website at www.ExperienceMosaic.com/news or connect with the public relations department at PublicRelations@ExperienceMosaic.com or call 715.458.5336.