CEO, Domenico Fornaro receives 2023 Showcase award on behalf of Mosaic Technologies

NTCA Announces Mosaic as Community Award Winner

By Published On: October 3rd, 20231.7 min read

Boston, Mass.-September 25, 2023-

NTCA- The Rural Broadband Association gathered at its annual Fall Conference to focus on connecting rural communities nationwide. The event began with the Smart Rural Community Showcase Awards, which recognize outstanding rural broadband providers. Mosaic Technologies emerged as a 2023 Smart Rural Community Showcase Winner.

NTCA CEO Shirley Bloomfield commended the winners, emphasizing the impact of trusted providers partnering with local entities to enhance community life. Mosaic Technologies was lauded for its initiatives, including public Wi-Fi parks at the Barron County Fairgrounds and the Barron County Dairy Breakfast, fostering local event connectivity. The company also collaborates with communities to boost connectivity in NW Wisconsin through public-private partnerships. Furthermore, Mosaic Technologies supports realtor groups by promoting fiber connectivity for homes and commercial properties through Fiber Homes, an internet connectivity search engine for property research.

“Mosaic Technologies is honored to be recognized for our dedication to fiber network development. Our work ethic and corporate culture drive us to serve and uplift our communities. We remain committed to reaching underserved and unserved areas, never stopping in our progress.” – Mosaic Technologies CEO, Domenico Fornaro.

About NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association represents 850+ independent telecommunications companies driving innovation in rural America. In a rapidly evolving tech landscape, NTCA members work to bridge the digital divide with robust, future-proof networks, fostering innovation in sectors like economic development, e-commerce, healthcare, agriculture, and education. Their efforts contribute billions to the U.S. economy annually. For more information on NTCA visit

About Mosaic Technologies, a respected local tech provider, is dedicated to closing the digital divide via a robust, redundant fiber network. Their commitment to sustainable, quality services fuels innovation in rural communities in economic development, e-commerce, healthcare, agriculture, and education. Mosaic Technologies and HomeTech by Mosaic offer powerful solutions, from enhanced connectivity and IT managed services to smart automation, safety, security, and entertainment. As a GIG Certified provider, Mosaic serves homes and businesses across Northwest Wisconsin. For more information on Mosaic Technologies visit

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