Mosaic Technologies Honored as Local Hero

2025-03-27T11:32:21-05:00March 27th, 2025|Categories: American Red Cross, Community, Featured, HomeTech by Mosaic, News, Public Relations|

Eau Claire, Wis. March 13th, 2025—The American Red Cross Northwest Wisconsin Chapter hosted its annual Heroes Breakfast at the Florian Gardens Conference Center in Eau Claire, honoring twelve individuals and businesses who have showed courage, commitment, and community-focus. Among the seven categories, Mosaic Technologies was recognized as the Community

Mosaic Acknowledged as a 2025 Cybersecurity Champion

2025-03-10T09:24:16-05:00March 10th, 2025|Categories: Featured, Fiber Internet, IT Solutions, Managed Security, Protechtors|

Cameron, Wisconsin - Mosaic Technologies, a leader in cybersecurity and network protection has been awarded by the NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association as a Cybersecurity Champion for the second year in a row. Mosaic’s commitment to cybersecurity has been demonstrated for decades. In 2024, Mosaic Technologies acquired Protechtors to strengthen

Mosaic Technologies Announces 2025 Scholarship Program

2025-01-02T01:11:17-05:00January 2nd, 2025|Categories: Community, Cooperative, Featured, Public Relations, Scholarships|

Headquarters in Cameron, WI—Mosaic Technologies is committed to education and advancing students pursuing higher education with financial support.   Throughout the Mosaic Scholarship program’s tenure, it has awarded $ 135,500 in scholarships to 248 graduating high school students across the service area. During the celebration of the upcoming 2025 annual

Mosaic Hosted the 2024 Barron County Cooperative Event

2024-10-16T16:31:58-05:00October 16th, 2024|Categories: Community, Cooperative, Featured, Public Relations|

Cameron, WI - Thursday, October 10th, 2024 Mosaic Technologies opened its doors to members from across the county to celebrate the cooperatives. Approximately 1,000 patrons attended the annual event to celebrate and network with the Barron County Cooperatives and nonprofit organizations. Members received a free food truck meal and

Barron County Cooperatives Celebrate

2024-09-27T10:55:24-05:00September 27th, 2024|Categories: Community, Cooperative, Featured, Public Relations|

Cooperatives play a vital role in strengthening communities, fostering economic growth, and enhancing social cohesion. Unlike traditional businesses, cooperatives operate on the principles of mutual aid, democratic governance, and community ownership. Every year in October, cooperatives from around the county gather to celebrate with their members on October 10th,

Mosaic Technologies Begins Fiber Broadband Expansion in Rice Lake Township

2024-09-17T13:44:13-05:00September 17th, 2024|Categories: Community, Featured, Fiber Internet, Grants, Internet, Public Relations|

Cameron, WI, September 17, 2024 — In 2023, as part of a Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC) grant application for the Doyle and Rice Lake Townships within Barron County, Mosaic Technologies was awarded $3,498,216 to support the construction of 106 miles of fiber, passing 770 underserved and unserved households and

Mosaic Technologies Plows Fiber Broadband in Prairie Lake Township

2024-09-17T13:42:55-05:00September 17th, 2024|Categories: Community, Featured, Fiber Internet, Grants, Internet, Public Relations|

Cameron, WI, September 17, 2024 —In 2023, as part of a Prairie Lake Township Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC) grant application, Mosaic Technologies was awarded $1,327,352.00 to support the construction of 33 miles of fiber, passing 284 underserved and unserved households and businesses.With an estimated total cost to construct of

Mosaic Technologies Celebrates with the Town of Grant Community

2024-07-16T11:49:24-05:00June 17th, 2024|Categories: Community, Featured, Fiber Internet, Public Relations|

Headquartered in Cameron, WI— In 2023, as part of a Town of Grant Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC) grant application, Mosaic Technologies was awarded $816,954 to support the construction of 39 miles of mainline fiber passing 168 underserved and unserved households and businesses. With an estimated total cost to

Mosaic Technologies Celebrates with the Sand Lake Community

2024-07-16T11:51:13-05:00June 17th, 2024|Categories: Community, Featured, Fiber Internet, Public Relations|

Headquartered in Cameron, WI— Headquartered in Cameron, WI—In 2022, as part of a Town of Sand Lake Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC) grant application, Mosaic Technologies was awarded $5,610,559 to support the construction of 82 miles of fiber, passing 1,485 underserved and unserved households and businesses. With an estimated

Mosaic Technologies Celebrates with the Town of Barron and Maple Grove Communities

2024-07-16T11:51:57-05:00June 17th, 2024|Categories: Community, Featured, Fiber Internet, Public Relations|

Headquartered in Cameron, WI— In 2023, as part of a Town of Barron and Maple Grove Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC) grant application, Mosaic Technologies was awarded $3,062,628 to support the construction of 118 miles of fiber, passing 606 underserved and unserved households and businesses. With an estimated total

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