About Andy Rick

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So far Andy Rick has created 11 blog entries.

Mosaic suspends in-person service

2020-11-02T16:12:30-05:00November 2nd, 2020|Categories: COVID-19, Internet|Tags: |

Here at Mosaic Technologies, we take seriously our responsibility to help slow the spread of COVID-19. As such, we are taking additional steps to safeguard the health of our customers, employees and neighbors, and maintain our superior service to the homes, businesses and facilities in the communities we serve. Now, more than ever, reliable connection is

Mosaic Technologies’ Refer-a-Friend is back!

2020-10-27T11:28:57-05:00October 27th, 2020|Categories: Community, Featured, Fiber Internet, Internet, Marketing, Promotion|Tags: , , , , |

Share Mosaic Technologies and give the gift of connection! Whether you are a Mosaic customer yet or not, we are so grateful to have you as our neighbor. Allow us to show you our gratitude this season with extra savings. For a limited time, you and a friend get

Mosaic Technologies October Blood Drive Saves 78 Lives

2020-10-15T08:16:42-05:00October 15th, 2020|Categories: American Red Cross, Community, Featured, Public Relations|Tags: , , , , |

Cameron, WI—Mosaic Technologies in partnership with the American Red Cross helped save 78 lives with its blood drive held Thursday, Oct. 8 at the Cameron technology facility. Mosaic's long-time partnership with the American Red Cross has helped collect hundreds of pints of blood over the years.  According to the

Mosaic Fires up Fiber at Turtle Lake Bar & Grill

2020-09-01T11:07:23-05:00September 1st, 2020|Categories: Fiber Internet, News, Public Relations|Tags: , , , |

Mosaic continues to bring fiber optic internet to Turtle Lake! On August 13, 2020, Mosaic fired up another business on fiber in Turtle Lake! Hotel Bar and Grill is now taking full advantage of the unparalleled speeds now offered in the village. Here is what they had to say

Boost Wi-Fi with a Mosaic router

2020-08-21T10:05:09-05:00August 20th, 2020|Categories: Internet, Marketing, News, Technology|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

If you have been converted to fiber internet recently and seem to be experiencing slow service, it could be your router. Experienced internet speeds can only be as fast as your hardware allows. Meaning if you have a standard store-bought router, it might not be able to handle the

What local communications means

2020-08-07T12:18:53-05:00August 7th, 2020|Categories: Community, News, Public Relations|Tags: , , , , |

For more than 60 years, Mosaic has been your local communications provider. That means when you call us, you're talking to your long-time neighbor, Sonja. Or Anton, the cool guy who moved in down the street last year. From our technicians to our CEO, everyone who works at Mosaic

Red Cross and Mosaic Technologies team up for blood drive

2020-07-29T13:01:31-05:00July 29th, 2020|Categories: Community, News, Public Relations|Tags: , , , |

On Tuesday, July 28th, Mosaic Technologies sponsored a blood drive for the American Red Cross at its Cameron facility.  Considered a success by the Red Cross, the drive yielded 34 pints of blood donated within 5 hours. No appointment times went unfilled and safety precautions like social distancing and

Mosaic now serving 10+ communities in Northwest Wisconsin

2020-07-17T12:18:22-05:00July 10th, 2020|Categories: Community, Internet, Marketing, Technology|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Mosaic Technologies has the fastest internet speeds in the neighborhood—in more neighborhoods than ever before. With aggressive expansion of its fiber network, Mosaic Technologies now serves Rice Lake, Barron, Chetek, Cameron, Tuscobia, Sand Creek, Dallas, Prairie Farm, Ridgeland, Almena, Turtle Lake, Cumberland.  If you haven't experienced Mosaic and would

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